Friday, February 23, 2007

Serving up Mango Mammaries

I have more mammaries to post. The originals now have a mate (hee hee) to make 5 pairs. I now have started a new set of darker coloured ones.
a quick shot of newest addition to the mam set. They are actually three different colours of brown to black but very difficult to see the subtle changes even when holding them.

Friday, February 9, 2007

Mango Mammaries

Well I went to the market and purchased 6 beautiful mangos they had to be just right size, shape, form and stem ( nipple) structure. I will never look at a mango the same again hee hee. I came home cast the mangos in clay and left the wet clay to dry . Then placed the clay mold in the kiln.

<-shows four empty mango molds ( the dark circle is the pot melt disc that I didn't use) and lip molds on the top and left side of pic.

Then: I then filled the molds with glass frit/shards. The bottom right is a tiny pot melt into a booby mold to see if I could get a swirl in the booby. In the back ground is red glass for top lips, bottom lips mold is at far left edge. I want to slice the bars to use in other face windows or....

any way back to the mango mammaries here is the last pics of the little castings my first .....................

mango mammaries.

Odd "mam" out the center mam is the pot melt there is a bit of red swirl that I like . Oh I do have a lot of fun..

the Lips Pattern bar each piece is 6 inches log to be cut up.

We will have to wait and see what the big picture ( pun intended)is with these little objects who knows ... not me yet.

please don't forget : you can sign in at the very bottom of the page where it says : Subscribe to posts(atom) you will get posted updates via email when I have added something to my blog and click on comments please leave a comment if you wish ... Janet

Saturday, February 3, 2007

A couple more pieces I like

Last leaded window 1998->

^ Faces 2004
Legs 2004 ->

my first casting summer's ring etc. stand

-----THE HAND-----------THE BASE ----
------Dec. 2006------------Jan 2007------

well here is my first casting not to say it's art or anything just think about it as a test. It's a two part hand is an old clay mold that I've had for years, I made it in university around 1989 even then at the beginning of my warm glass experiments, I was interested in casting, but only used it for slumping glass into it at that time. The blue base is my first high fire glass casting.. using a wax pattern and casting the wax in plaster and then casting the glass in the plaster void or negative.